Thursday, October 31, 2019

How Important is a Family Structure for a Developing Male and Female Essay

How Important is a Family Structure for a Developing Male and Female - Essay Example Starting from the accent of the language and ranging to the dressing, the get up, the behavior, the conduct, the perceptions, interests, thinking and almost everything depends upon the environment in which he/she lives in. Effects of environment on a developing male and female: As the environment has the maximum impact on a person, therefore, it affects the developing or the growing children, i.e. the teenagers in the most effective manner. Hence, it proves that it is the that environment plays a vital role in determining what kind of a man or woman a developing male or female is going to be for the rest of his/her life. The kinds of atmospheres provided to a growing individual may vary from a family environment to an independent environment, i.e. without any family. Family life is indubitably completely different from the life spent by people alone in hostels, boarding school or orphanages. Therefore, the impacts of these environments entirely differ from one another. Influences of family: In my point of view, family structure is quite important for a developing male or female; though even the family structure may not be the same for all. For example, one may have a complete and happy family with both the parents and siblings living together, exhibiting love, care, affection and a perfect compatibility amongst each other. On the other hand, one may be deprived of one parent due to uncontrollable circumstances such as death of a parent or separation of both. Another circumstance may be that one may not be lucky enough to have both of the parents because of their death and might be living with the elder independent siblings or any other relative such as uncle or aunt. All of the above situations play a different role in developing a teenager’s mind to grow up into an adult. For a person who does not possess a family and is living in an orphanage, might face a lot of difficulties in life. He/she may not have anyone to take enough care and may not have a pr oper guidance. Therefore, he/she will learn from own mistakes and experiences. At times, such people may definitely face a lot of problems, as there are a lot of ups and downs in the growing age. Life without a family: Despite of the fluctuating life of the teenagers, some of those who are deprived of their families and a proper family structure, are yet lucky enough to have good friends or good guardians or caretakers who direct them quite well and help them to manage their problems and maintain their ways on the correct path and enlighten their future. But, the remaining unlucky ones are usually not able to differentiate between the good and bad, right and wrong, success and failure; and unintentionally spoil themselves, their lives and their future. Say for example, a growing individual might be depressed of the fact that he does not have parents to provide him good to eat and wear. This depression may cause him to become a drug or alcohol addict, so as to forget all the sorrows. Once he becomes an addict, he might adopt wrong ways of earning, such as theft etc in order to regularly buy drugs and alcohol. Eventually, he will end up being a criminal and ruin his future. Another example is teen prostitution that is again usually due to the frustration and urge to have money by hook or by crook. Therefore, the life of a developing male and female is no less than Hell if he/she is not blessed with a family structure. The above cases are not only applicable in the lives of those who do not have families, but

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Project topics - Journal of Engineering Research and Studies Essay Example for Free

Project topics Journal of Engineering Research and Studies Essay Journal of Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN0976-7916 Research Paper SEPARATION OF OIL AND PECTIN FROM ORANGE PEEL AND STUDY OF EFFECT OF pH OF EXTRACTING MEDIUM ON THE YIELD OF PECTIN Shekhar Pandharipande*a, Harshal Makodeb Address for Correspondence *a- Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Bharat Nagar, Amravati Road, Nagpur,India. b B. Tech student, Department of Chemical Engineering, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Bharat Nagar, Amravati Road, Nagpur, India. ABSTRACT An orange, specifically, the sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.)) is the most commonly grown tree fruit in the world. The present work addresses to the development of the part of the process needed for the extraction of value added products like orange oil and pectin from orange peel, which is the waste of orange juice processing industry. The outcome of the present work highlighted that the sweet orange peels are good source of orange oil and pectin and does have the potential to become important raw material for food processing industries. Two methods namely simple distillation leaching have been explored for separation of oil from peels. The remains of cake in this part is further treated for isolation of pectin. It is found from the experimental observations that the peel source, for extraction of pectin, when taken after extracting orange oil through simple distillation gives higher yield than leaching residue. It is concluded that the process in which orange oil is first extracted using technique of simple distillation followed by acid extraction of pectin is most suitable for industrial production for isolation of pectin. These results demonstrate the successful extraction of orange oil and pectin, providing potential benefits for  industrial extraction of pectin from an economic and environmental point of view. KEYWORDS orange peel, pectin extraction, orange essential oil 1.1 INTRODUCTION An orange, specifically, the sweet orange (Citrus  sinensis (L.)) is the most commonly grown tree fruit  in the world. Orange trees are widely cultivated in  tropical and subtropical climates for the sweet fruit,  which is peeled or cut (to avoid the bitter rind) and  eaten whole, or processed to extract orange juice,   also for the fragrant peel. Citrus fruits are at the top  not only in total production, but also in economic  value. The albedo is the main source of pectin. Pectin  includes all the esterified polygalacturonic acids at  different degree of neutralization. In the presence of  saccharine and small quantities of organic acids  (usually citric acid), pectins gelatinized, and this  property is exploited by the agrochemistry and  pharmaceutical industries for pectin isolation. Orange  essential oil is present in small ductless gland  contained in the peel of the orange fruits. The main  constituent of orange peel essential oil is d-limonen e  (present to the extent of at least 90 %), which is the  only hydrocarbon present. The d-limonene is  extracted from orange rinds or solids. The rinds and  pulp are sent to an evaporator and the d-limonene is  steamed out. It is widely known for its pleasant scent  and degreasing properties. d-limonene is currently  being used in many applications such as chlorinated  solvents replacements, hand cleaners and sewage  treatments. The orange processing industry can get a  complete makeover if due importance is given for  separation of useful ingredient from orange peel.  Researchers and Scientists have been working on the  separation of oil and pectin from orange peel and  reporting their findings in journals of repute. A brief  summary includes orange peel: organic waste or  energetic resource(1), Waste to wealth: Industrial raw  materials potential of peels of Nigerian sweet orange  (Citrus sinensis)(2), method of distilling a volatile  constituent from liquid mixture(3), Optimization of  pectin acid extraction from passion fruit peel  (Passiflora edulis flavicarpa) using response surface  methodology(4), Extraction and Qualitative Assessment of African Sweet Orange Seed Oil(5), JERS/Vol. III/ Issue II/April-June, 2012/06-09 Comparisons between different techniques for waterbased extraction of pectin from orange peels(6) , microwave-assisted Isolation of essential oil of  Cinnamomum iners Reinw. ex Bl.: Comparison with  Conventional hydrodistillation(7), Microwave-assisted  extraction of pectin from orange peel(8), microbial  production of pectin from Citrus peel(9), Optimization  of Pectin Extraction from Peel of Dragon Fruit  (Hylocereus polyrhizus)(10), Determining the Yield  and Quality of Pectin from Fresh Peel Pectin  Pomace(11) and Microbial Production of Pectin from  Citrus Peel(12) . The present work (13) explored the possibility of  separation of essential oils and pectin from the  orange peels. Nagpur is major orange producing  centre in the subcontinent and even recognised in the  name of oranges as, Orange city. 1.2 MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present work is divided into following parts: I. Separation of oil from peels. a) Using the method of simple distillation b) Using ethanol as solvent in the method of leaching II. Extraction of pectin from oil peels a) From fresh peels, the leftover b) From dried cake remained after simple distillation and leaching as in part I 1.2.1 Separation of oil from peels: Raw Material: The raw material taken under examination for the extraction of orange oil (d-limonene) and pectin is orange peel. Orange peels are removed from fresh oranges which are procured from local market and which were harvested in the month of December 2011 to January 2012. Methods: Simple distillation is employed for removal of essential oil from orange peel. Dried and fined ground orange peel powder is added with known quantity of water which is simple distilled off for approximately one hour. The solid remains of the residue are dried to obtain the dry cake. The distillate Journal of Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN0976-7916 resulted in to two phases, oil and water. Two phases  are separated and orange oil is obtained. For 350 gm  of orange powder taken, 8 ml of oil and 126.3 gm of  dried cake is obtained. The method of leaching is also explored for removal  of oil from peels. 380 gm of fresh orange peel are extracted with 225 ml of ethanol. After adequate  contacting, two phases, solid and liquid are separated,  198 gm of wet slurry resulted into 150 gm of dry  cake. However oil could not be recovered following  this method. The dried cake obtained is further  treated for separation of pectin in next part of present  work.  1.2.2 Extraction of pectin from orange peels:  The objective of this part of work is extraction and  isolation of pectin from fresh orange peel sample and  the dry cake sample left after extraction of oil using  simple distillation as in part I. The objective includes  the study of the effect of pH of the medium on the  yield of pectin extracted. The process flow chart is as shown in the figure 1. Table no 1: Experimental observations of yield of pectin at different pH Fig no 1: Process flow chart for extraction of pectin from orange peel sample Citric acid in distilled water solutions of desired pH  values 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are prepared. Orange peel samples weighing 10 gm each are dipped in to the  solution and heated at 800C for 10 minutes. After  cooling the solution, it is filtered using cloth filter  and Whatman filter paper under vacuum. Ethanol is  added to the filtered solution to facilitate filtration of  pectin. The solution is filtered using fine filter cloth  or centrifuge at 8000 rpm for 15 min at 100C to  separate jelly pectin which is dried under vacuum at  500C and -100 mmHg gauge for two hours. Dried  pectin is thus obtained. The observations are given in  table no 1.  Yield % of pectin is based on the gram of peel sample taken, and is calculated by formula as given below; Fig no 2: Pectin yield at different pH of extracting medium Comparison of yield of pectin from the dry cake residue left after simple distillation and leaching: Same procedure is applied for separation of pectin in  this part of present work, as followed in part 1.2.2.the  observations are tabulated in table 2 pictorial  details output of process are depicted in fig 3. Table no 2: Experimental observations of  comparison of yield of pectin from the dry cake  residue left after simple distillation and leaching  where Ypec (%) is the extracted pectin yield in per cent (%), P is the amount of dry pectin in g and Bi is the initial amount of orange peel in gram. Results and discussion: The maximum yield of pectin is obtained at   extraction medium pH of 1. However negligible yield  is obtained at pH of 4 and 5 as can be seen from  graph plotted between pectin yield % obtained for  various values of pH of medium as shown in fig 2. JERS/Vol. III/ Issue II/April-June, 2012/06-09 Journal of Engineering Research and Studies Result and discussion: The yield of pectin obtained is highest in turbid  extract, but this might be due to some suspended  impurities present in the extract. The maximum  overall yield of the pectin is obtained from orange  peel residue sample through simple distillation. Therefore, in the process of orange oil and pectin  extraction from orange peel, it is recommended on  basis of results obtained, that to first extract oil using  simple distillation and then isolate pectin with acid  hydrolysis technique. 1.3 CONCLUSION Nagpur region is well known in central Asia as  largest orange producing region. It is also known as  the California of India, producing excellent quality  oranges in large number. Though it has great  production of oranges, the downstream processing  and value added product manufacturing technology is  not yet developed. The present work is dedicated for E-ISSN0976-7916 the development of the part of the process technology  needed for the extraction of value added products i.e.  orange oil and pectin from orange peel, which is the  waste of orange juice processing industry. The  present work revealed that the sweet orange peels are  good source of orange oil and pectin and does have  the potential to become important raw material for  food processing industries. It is found from the  experimentation that the peel source, for extraction of  pectin, when taken after extracting orange oil through  simple distillation gives higher yield than leaching  residue. So it can be concluded that the process in  which orange oil is first extracted using technique of  simple distillation followed by acid extraction of  pectin is most suitable for industrial production. These results demonstrate the successful extraction of  orange oil and pectin, providing potential benefits for  industrial extraction of pectin from an economic and  environmental point of view. Fig no 3: Pictorial presentation of the process for comparison of yield of pectin from the dry cake residue left after simple distillation and leaching Amboni. 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Sunday, October 27, 2019

How has Technology Contributed to Globalisation?

How has Technology Contributed to Globalisation? Explain How Changes In Technology Have Contributed Towards Globalization Of Markets And Of Production? Technology has dramatically changed peoples way of life all over the world and the world today has become a true manifestation of a global village. Not only the frequency of international travelling increased manifold but the possibilities of cross-border trading of goods and services have also increased exponentially. These impacts are collectively known as globalization. (Hill, 2009) defines globalisation as a process which enables individuals, organisations and governments from different natins to come across each other and interact in an intergative manner. The end result of such intergation would be an intergated globalised market system which can act as a melting pot of indivual economies of different nations. There are two ways in which globalisation can be envisaged, i.e. with the production perspective and thebmarket perspective. (Hill, 2009) defines the markets globalisation as melting down and convergence of individually independent market places into an amalgamated market place. Sharing of the sources of production from different geographical locations for levaraging the quality and cost of the goods and services produces is the idea behind the products globalisation. (Hill, 2009) Many institutions have been formulated to help manage, regulate and police the phenomena of globalization and to promote the establishment of transnational treaties for global trade. A few are as following:: The World Trade Organization (WTO) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) The World Bank The United Nations (UN) These institutions act on an international level to regulate and tackle any problems that the different countries, companies and individual may face when undergoing globalization e.g. The IMF provides monetary services and acts as a last resort for the members in financial distress (Gitman, 2008) Now the question is how instead of what. How does globalization happen? What drives globalization? There are many drivers or rather changes that result in globalization. Generally, there are two macro drivers of globalization. These are the declining trade and investment barriers between countries and changes in technology Organisations across the world now face lower level of obstacles to investing and trading in foreign lands. This flexibility allows the firms to choose global locations where they have to spend minimum on production costs and reap maximum benefits in return by strategically locating their production site, and service and product outlet locations. Design can thus be created in one global location, production at a second global site and the niche market can be a totally far off market at the other end of the world. Globalisation of production thus exploits cheap labour in the third world markets and rich buyers in the first world markets. (Arribas, 2009) The technological changes are not just limited to the automation of the production line but it also includes the advancement in infrastructure and connectivity. The most important innovation has been the microprocessors. The developments in communication technologies like wireless, optic fibre, satellite communications and the rapid growth of the internet have brought the global business to a previously unimagined level. Improvements have also occurred in the field of transportation technology resulting in the development of commercial jet aircraft, which has reduced the time for transit. Globalization is not only resulting from declining trade barriers or changes in technology but upon scrutinizing two other factors come into play. These are Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and increasing international trade. Globalization is not a straight line event rather it has been maturing from many decades and the implications of this phenomenon are being strongly felt now. This has been going on since the 1960s. In the 1960s the US dominated the globes economy and the international trade picture and it also led the front when it came to FDI, similarly the US multinationals ranked high in international business (Hill, 2009). This has all changed due to globalization and other countries, firms and individuals have risen to compete in the global market place. Much has changed in the demographics of the world when looking at world GDP and trade. China did not have a share in the worlds output in 1963, now has 11.5 % of the GDP in 2007 and 7.2% of the worlds export in 2006. This shows the tremendous effect of globalization in the current world marketplace. China in 2008 was listed as the 3rd largest Economy based on Nominal GDP. The share of world output generated by third-world countries has steadily increased since the 1960s. There also has been a persistent growth in cross-border flow of FDI and it does not come as a surprise that China has been the largest receiver of FDI (Hill, 2009). There are many facets to globalization and on a closer look there is the multinational enterprise. A multinational enterprise (MNE) is a type of business which has operations in two or more countries. A multinational enterprise can also be referred to as an International Corporation. MNEs have powerful influence over local as well as the global economies and play an important role in international relations and globalization. In the past the western market was closed for many economies but that trend has changed and many markets have opened up for the western market to invest in. The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe has created a host opportunities for export and investment. The biggest opportunity emerged in China due to economic developed even with the continuing communist control. Also the change in democracy and the free market reforms in Latin America have also given a possibility for investment from foreign investors. Going over all what globalization has to offer, a question comes to ones mind that a shift towards a global marketplace a good thing? There many views on this particular question. Many experts believe that globalization is helping prosperity by providing more jobs, lower prices of labor, materials, land and thus resulting in more profitability. Whereas other experts suggest that globalization is not beneficial as managers who are managing transnational and multinational organizations have to take into account a lot more factors as compared to stereotypical administrators (Hill, 2009). Managing an international business differs from a typical business in four notable areas: Differences in countries require companies to employ different practices in different countries. Administrators face greater and complex range of problems. Companies have to follow the different limits imposed by different governments in countries and have to work within those limits. International business requires converting funds and is very susceptible to fluctuations in the exchange rate. To overcome these insights about managing international organizations managers have to use un-structured solutions and practices that may require additional resources in terms of labor, capital and land. This brings us to our next thought, why so many experts against what globalization have to offer. (Artis, 2009) Globalization has occasionally been regarded as a solution to problems like underdevelopment, malnutrition and violation of human rights, and important human rights institutions have been set up and incorporated into the global human rights regime. Governments are finding it increasingly difficult to violate their citizens human rights without attracting the attention of the media and international organizations as a result of developed telecommunications and global interdependence. Indeed, overall human rights practices have improved worldwide during the last decade or so. However, this improvement has neither been universal nor linear. (Bardhan, 2006) The contemporary world order owes its existence to a large degree to the information power unleashed as a result of the free flow of ideas and communications across geographical boundaries without any restriction or obstacles with help of the latest communication technologies. While globalisation has made it possible for the human rights bodies to react on human rights abuses in the remote societies of the world, the same globalisation has in fact also exposed the autonomous societies to human rights abuses at hands of the more powerful actors in the global scenario. What might be a collateral damage for a powerful actor in the emerging world order might be a human rights abuse involving victimisation of defenceless children and females for the recipient. Thus with respect to human rights, globalisation is a double edged weapon and it can work in both ways. Not only do the weaker players in this world order risk the wrath of raw power of the more powerful actors but the multinational s and conglomerates tend to act as mighty powers in their own right. The citizens of the weaker nations are left at the mercy of powerful yet unelected global giants like IMF, the World Bank , peacekeeping forces and first world NGOs who increasingly control the lives and fates of the denizens of the weaker nations of the world. Weve talked about what globalization is, what the key component drivers of globalization are, how it affects the production process. In doing so weve talked about the MNCs (MNEs) and also how the demographics have changed since globalization started. This also has provided us with a picture of how managers who are working for transnational organization take into account different factors for their, planning, organizing and leading decisions. Advancement in technology did not globalize the production and marketplace but it has increased the momentum of globalization manifolds. Although globalization is widely considered as a positive phenomenon but as always everything has its virtues and vices. It all depends on the perspective one employs to look at globalization References Anon., 2010. International Labor Organization. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 February 2010]. Christos Pitelis, R.S., 2000. The nature of the transnational firm. Routledge. contributors, W., 2010. Multinational corporation. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 February 2010]. Dunning, J.H., 1998. Location And The Multinational Enterprise: A Neglected Factor?. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES , 29(1), pp.45-66. Hill, C., 2009. International Business. Levitt, T., 1984. The globalization of Markets. THE McKINSEY QUARTERLY. Luo, Y. Tung, R.L., 2007. International expansion of emerging market enterprises: A springboard perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, pp.38, 481-498. Sullivan, D., 1994. Measuring the Degree of Internationalization of A Firm. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES , 25(2), pp.325-42.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Terrorism Essay -- essays research papers

Terrorism and hostage taking may be as old as civilization itself. There are numerous references to abduction throughout Greek mythology. In midievil times hostages were taken for money or a guaranteed safe passage through a country. In the U.S., Indians on the western frontier terrorized settlers to frighten them away. Throughout the twentieth century, up until the 1970’s various terrorist acts were committed, yet it was not as big a problem as it is today. The new age of terrorism dawned at 4:30 in the morning of September 5, 1972. It was then that members of the Palestinian organization Black September attacked the Isreali Olympic team. Three men were killed on the spot and nine were taken captive. The terrorists demanded that 200 of their fellow Arabs be released from Isreali prisons. They also wanted Isreal disbanded and its territory returned to the Palestinian people. The results of the Munich attack were tragic. Following a gun battle between German sharpshooters and t he terrorists, which killed one German policeman, all nine hostages and five of the terrorists were killed by a hand grenade. The events at Munich proved that a single terrorist action, cleverly planned and daringly executed by a small band of people could accomplish as much as the movement of a large army. That is why the Munich attack was the dawn of a new age of terrorism. From the point of view of the terrorists, the main goal of the Munich attack was to draw attention to the Palestinian cause, a goal that was achieved through media coverage. This accomplishment was a lesson that terrorists everywhere were quick to learn. This is widely shown in that the number of terrorist acts has generally risen, with a trend toward bloodier incidents. The accumulation of terrorist attacks on innocent civilians has caused many changes around the world. There have been thousands of instances of terrorism. Just a few statistics can give one the idea of the seriousness of the problem. Robert Cla rke from the National Security Council put it perfectly when he said "organized crime groups now posses such significant resources that they can almost buy and sell governments" (Morrison 6). The Department of defense estimates that as many as 26 nations may posses chemical agents and or weapons and an additional twelve may be seeking to develop them. Between 1970 and 1977, terrorist movements thr... the problem of terrorism. These new policies have clearly changed many routines and spending of money. Programs have been set up, thousands of people have been hired, and billions of dollars have been spent in order to reduce terrorism around the world. In the past decade, over 18,000 individuals in 50 nations gave been trained in counter terrorism. The U.S. alone gas trained more than 19,000 foreign law enforcement officials from more than 80 countries in such areas such as airport security, bomb detection, maritime security, VIP protection, hostage and rescue, and crisis management. The FBI is moving to reassign 500 of its agents to counter terrorism duty. It is also dramatically expanding its presence overseas. Along with hiring thousands of individuals to counter terrorism duty, governments have set up hundreds of programs to help gain intelligence. Anti-terrorism funding has been boosted by one billion dollars in over four years. In 1986, the Counter-Terrorism Center was set up to collect data about and coordinate strategies toward terrorist groups. In 1985, President Reagan set up a cabinet level commission, known as the Vice President’s Task Force on Combating Terrorism.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Comparing Hrm Practices in Australia

Abstract: This essay discusses about how it is impossible to compare South-East Asian Human Resource practices with those employed in Australian companies due to substantial differences in political, legal and social environments. In the political aspect, governments from south-east Asian companies and Australian companies are compared based on their compliance with the labor rights and standards.While in the legal aspect, the Australian flexibility on labor law and the Philippine labor code which states otherwise is discussed and how Australian and Philippine HRM practices are affected. Lastly how culture, norms, attitude, and the social environment of Australians and Filipinos become factors in HRM trying to lay out rules regarding tardiness and absenteeism of employees and how Australia being a first world country and Philippines being a third world country affect job design.An Eagle who was born an Eagle, eats how other Eagles do, surrounded by other Eagles, and flies as high as other Eagles eventually grows up to become an Eagle while a Falcon who was born a Falcon, eats how other Falcons do, surrounded by other Falcons, and flies as fast as other Falcons eventually grows up to become a Falcon. The comparison of Human Resource management practices between south-east Asian companies and Australian companies is both like the Eagle and the Falcon.Depending on the country’s society, government and cultural beliefs, practices of human resource managing of companies differ in approach. Differences of Human resource management practices in connection with the political aspect between most south-east Asian countries and Australia can be differentiated by how well the country’s governments impose to companies in the country the strict compliance on practicing and respecting labor rights and labor standards set by the International Labor Organization. Not a single country has labor laws that are in full compliance with ILO Conventions No. 87 and 98, an d the average score in the region (south-east Asia) for de jure labor standards (DJLS) is 69 (out of 100)† (Caraway, 2010). With this, human resource management practices are somewhat sub standard in south-east Asian countries. Labor rights of employees are not being strictly imposed. In the Philippines for example, career development of an employee is not often given attention by HR managers of companies.Trainings, seminars and certifications of various skill requirement fees are shouldered by employees or are required from persons applying for a specific position in a company. Most employees get minimum wages, little to or no benefits at all, and most of the time they are not compensated for overtime work rendered to the company. The voice of labor unions is often placed on deaf ears. Whereas the government of Australia imposes very strict Labor laws in which employees get the most out of their employment.Wages are above minimum, weekend schedule rates are higher than weekda y work schedules, and overtime work rendered for the company is properly noted and compensated. Career advancement, trainings and certifications required for certain skills by the law are often shouldered by company. Worker safety is closely given emphasis in Australian companies because the government will hold the company liable whatever happens to the employee with regards to safety during working hours. Australian law is very lenient and flexible regarding labor and legal matters about employee and employer relation.The Australian government lets the individual states regulate its own labor law. For example the minimum wages in Melbourne may differ from that of New South Wales and as such. Also maximum working hours per week are set for all employees whether part time or full time. Furthermore international students and holiday workers are given working privileges provided they also pay taxes and with limitations. Therefore as an HR manager, the scope of potential employees are not limited to citizens of Australia or those with working visas only.An Australian HR manager should base his or her decisions with regards to the diversity of culture within the company. While in south-east Asian companies, HR managers are not faced with the same scenario. In the Philippines for instance, â€Å"Only Filipino citizens or corporations, partnerships or entities at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the authorized and voting capital stock of which is owned and controlled by Filipino citizens shall be permitted to participate in the recruitment and placement of workers, locally or overseas. † (Labor code of the Philippines, art. 7), therefore in a Philippine company mostly Filipino employees are working there. An HR manager practices decisions and makes plans based on the culture of the Filipino people. The social environment affects Human resource management practices by putting into account what the set of standard norms are accepted in the society. One examp le of this is the development of human resources as influenced by the company’s demographic location. As stated in the journal made by Kim, 2012 â€Å"Societal development can be defined and applied in various situations.Compared to social, societal is often used by social scientists when they are referring to the influence of societies, or things arising from the conditions set by society. † Although there is no definite or universal way as to how human resources should develop, it is often how each and every employee perceives what the norms are in their society do they act upon the boundaries of right and wrong. Human resource managers should base their actions and plans to fit the employee’s attitudes and environment.In the Philippines for example, most Filipinos have the bad habit of being late most of the time. A major cause of this is that the roadway and public transport system is poor which in turn results to heavy traffic during rush hours. This being a problem which persisted for years now, the people got used to this system which eventually became a habit to them. And this being a normal scenario in the society, the people began thinking that the attitude of being late is within the norms of the society. While here in Australia, public transport system and roadway systems are very efficient.People tend to get to their destination a lot faster and with ease. And because of this company policies in both countries differ regarding employee attendance and tardiness. Following is an example taken from the staff manual of the staff of (St. Scholastica College Manila, 2006) in the Philippines regarding absenteeism and lateness. â€Å"UNDERTIME AND TARDINESS Note that: 1. In spite of a first offense, one can still earn 100% of the merit pay. 2. In spite of a second offense, one can still earn 75% of merit pay. Number of Offense Frequency (Cumulative)Sanction First2 hoursOral Reprimand Second4 hoursFirst Written Warning Third6 hoursSec ond Written Warning Fourth8 hoursSuspension – 3 days Fifth10 hoursSuspension – 5 days Sixth12 hoursSuspension – 10 days, letter of commitment required upon return to work Seventh14 hoursDismissal† As you can see from the example there are six levels of punishment before resulting to a dismissal or termination from work. This is because the company is more lenient to the employees because of being late is one bad habit of Filipinos which is rampant within the society.While in Australia there are not that many stages before termination when it comes to absenteeism and tardiness. An example is that a workplace policy of a business in Australia has two groups; â€Å"Group I: These types of actions may result in immediate discharge: Excessive absenteeism regardless of reason; Group II: These types of actions may result in a written warning followed by suspension and/or termination: Absence and tardiness without reasonable cause, Absence from Salon without perm ission† (BHA Salon Workplace Policy & Procedure Manual, 2011).In regards with the policy in an Australian company, tardiness in the workplace will result to a written warning which will then be followed by a suspension and then termination if excessive absenteeism is done by an employee. There were not much warning given to the employees with regards to tardiness and absenteeism because here in Australia, tardiness doesn’t happen often and isn’t considered a social norm. Another point to look at is that, Philippines is a third world country whereas Australia, being a first world country, has good sets of policies laid out for human resources.Employees are not exploited here in Australia. Whereas in the Philippines, take nurses as an example, the nurse to patient ratio is one nurse is to twenty patients sometimes even going as high as fifty patients per nurse. Hospital administrators, primarily those working for government hospitals, are not able to hire additiona l workforce because of the lack in budget to pay for those additional nurses. Instead they turn their sights on newly graduated and fresh nurse license holders. Hospitals open courses which offer them on the job training and work experience.By doing this, the hospital has answered the need for additional workforce through the use of fresh nurses wanting to have work experience background on their resumes. So in a work area the core of the work force comes from inexperienced nurses who recently acquired there nurse license. Here in Australia, hospitals have ample amounts of budget therefore having the means to adhere to the ideal nurse to patient ratio. Not only that, hospitals are better equipped in making a nurse’s job a lot easier and much safer.Therefore nurses are motivated to give out better work output by delivering quality nursing care to patients. Therefore an Australian company’s human resource manager may have this set of plans, criteria or models, whereas an HR manager in a south-east Asian company may the same or not. So to an extent it is impossible to compare the practice in human resource managing because there are a lot of factors to consider just like the eagle will always be an eagle so as a falcon will always be a falcon.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Total quality management in apple

Contents Introduction Total quality management is globally recognized system to review and control the overall quality of any organization. It can also be called as a philosophy which supports the quality management procedure of organizations including such benefits as improving overall customer satisfaction, enhancing employee motivation, reducing wastage of resources, developing the service and product quality and maintain a growing performance of the organization.TTS generally is considered as a problem solving technique that specially focuses on the continuous improvement of the laity of product and service provided by a certain company. In this approach the management and employee can work together for the overall improvement by using quality and management tool aimed at increasing business and reducing losses in the extended track.Several key concepts that are the basis often are such as customer's requirements define the quality, quality improvement is a direct obligation to t he top management, systematic analysis and development of work process brings the result of enhanced quality, the effort is somewhat incessant in nature and is lead all the way through the organization. Functions of TTS There are several tasks that are maintained worldwide to proper manage the TTS process.The following functions are mentionable of them all- Promise of employees and management Gratifying consumer predilections Bargain of development time Just In time production and manufacturing Lessening of product and service cost Expedite system development Possession of line management Employee involvement and empowerment Benchmarking and stimulating goals Upgrading plans Incorporation of strategic planning Company summary Apple Inc. Is basically an American multinational corporation which designs, develops ND sells consumer electronics and software.It is recognized as world's second largest electronics company considering the revenue earned. The company was established on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Waking and Ronald Wayne. This company belongs to computer hardware, computer software, consumer electronics and digital distribution industry. Nowadays there are 408 retail stores for Apple and the overall functions of TTS is maintained by the following workers- Display Calibration & Instrumentation Engineer Mechanical Design Engineer Program Manager Video Code Architect Regulatory RFC Systems EngineerHardware Systems Engineer Java Software Architect Data Analyst Firmware / SW Engineering Program Manager Engineering Project Manager Quality Assurance Engineer Facilities Manager Visual Designer Market Researcher These are Just a few of the total recruits who manage the TTS. There are many more who maintain the system to serve the consumers. Reasons for adopting TTS for Apple Apple already has created great customer loyalty over the years. But there is an obligation of holding the position that they tend to possess.The direct reasons why Apple should adopt TTS to their system is even clear. The following improvements re obvious in case- Defining the weaknesses: Apple lacks the variation in product that is very much important in this era of business. This is Just a simple weakness that can be pointed out very easily. But several weaknesses are such that cannot be assessed or controlled. TTS would be of great use in defining that feebleness at instance. Identify priorities and actions: Information regarding the cores that are to be performed by the employees is very much important.There is a function of TTS that emphasizes on the information system. The collected information would help Apple to direct their concentration awards important functions. TTS keeps track of data related to importance of any job which is a helping hand to prioritize the things that are to be performed first by the company employees. Selection of proper actions regarding the object is also is a feature of TTS. Development of communication system: TTS emphasizes on the overall communication system which ultimately results in an efficient communication model.The supervisors and subordinates are allocated with authority to control their workers. Whereas Apple is considered as a large company, distribution of responsibility and authority is necessary to improve the company reference. Direct comprehension: The use of TTS would serve uninterrupted insight into the company and personnel data by eradicating the barriers between staff areas and maintaining supportable relationship with acquaintances. This type of initiative is always helpful to companies like Apple which is bound to remain updated about their current situation.Perfection of productivity and competence: Keeping track of the overall production cost and controlling the material costs is one important function of TTS. Well produced products generally help to increase the demand of the total service as well as product. This opens the opportunity to produce more and leads to lower averag e cost of production facility. On the other hand, consumer loyalty increases over time and helps to gain efficiency over production. Though Apple has a huge production capacity at present, it can be utilized better with the help of TTS and enhance customer loyalty.Adoption of quality driven strategy: Whereas every other company is trying to snatch the overall market share from Apple in various segments, it is time for Apple to gain competitive advantage based on quality products. TTS development would certainly result in higher customer distraction and serve as a competitive edge over the competitors. Proper stuff management: In the context of Apple, TTS will help the company staffs to work more vigorously to accomplish the consistent actions related to the explicit objectives of the organization as the process eliminates the measure that obstructs the devotion of personnel.Total Quality Management principles of Apple Apple has accepted the importance of TTS long ago. But there is a lways difference in the application of TTS in different organizations. There are certain philosophies obtained by Apple Inc. ND employees oblige by these principles if any confusion appears in making quality related decisions. The principles are as stated- There is no obligation to hold the current quality management procedure if adoption of new procedure bring about good to the company. Adoption of new technique should be subject to reducing overall cost or enhance value of product or service.The TTS procedure must support the concept of relentless improvement. Training is essential to develop the performance of the employees and necessary measures to train employees are type of investment. Friendly working environment is directly elated to employee service quality and ensure settlement of non-performance related problems. Authority is not certain to be held by the top level management. Rather, apt allocation of power inclines to lessen the workload as well as improves the overall speed of work.Cross-functional effort is deliberated as the most apposite solution to reduce quality erosion. There is compulsion to improve planning, enhance production capability and serve on a constant basis. Every eligible employee is a suggestion provider in Apple Inc. And has right to speak about problems in any system that needs to be persisted. Moreover, the solutions given by other employees have importance to the top management all together. Integration between suppliers and organization is equally important as serving the customers according to their needs.Apple ensures the integration through contractual relationship. Application of Total Quality Management Principles in Apple Total quality management mainly a method which continuously concentrate on the development of quality of all the separations of a company with a view to providing quality service to the clients beyond their potentials. It enlarges its functionality from upper to lowest level of a firm. To make a fr uitful total quality management a company must have expert employees who can make qualitative decisions in any situations.The total quality management principles can be greatly applied to Apple Corporation in different conditions. They are given below- Customer centric approach The main purpose of a business is to manufacture goods & services for the customers. Whatever Apple does like appointing expert employees, installing high- tech machines for production, or incorporating technologies for high quality management; if the ultimate customers do not like the products or services all approaches will be failed. So the main strategy of Apple is that it develops all its plans keeping customers in highest priority.For example- Apple does not compromise with quality It has strong supplier partnership It has strong customer driven strategy It also maintains good customer relationship for future marketing. Employee involvement In Apple all employees should work to achieve the ultimate goal of the organization. It is strictly maintained by Apple to motivate the employees and to bring out what it needs from employees. Apple has a reputation for appointing talented pools in its employee lists. After Job's return Apple has concentrated on employee's best performance.For this they developed Apple fellow program, awarding the employees who made extraordinary contribution to the organizational growth. Active participation of stuffs can be achieved by making more workspace for the employees. Apple has followed some rules for employee involvement. They are- Apple develops employees with training It also has suggestion arrangement It measures the performance It offers employee acknowledgment It develops exceptional group Process approach Process approach is the initial part of the TTS process.Process can be explained as converting raw materials & raw suppliers into processed items or final items that can be delivered to the customers. All parts of production need expertise to complete the process properly. In Apple, processing of resources is important to accomplish a project efficiently & effectively. Apple managers are very proactive decision makers about the needs & wants of the customers. As a result it is helpful for them to the path of continuous improvement in the company. So apple takes some initiatives to accomplish the project perfectly.Apple develops well-informed staffs for processing parts Apple builds proactive decision making process It always measures the performance of the employees After measuring it monitors constantly the overall works process of the organization. Integrated system Every business has its own functionality to perform which divide into different department. These functionalities are interrelated with various sources or horizontal processes which help to increase the continuous business improvement process. So every employee should have the knowledge of the company's policies, standard, procedure, objectives etc.In Apple it is strictly maintained by the staffs to be aware f their goals & vision. Without having all sorts of knowledge about their work they cannot be dedicated to their work. Mainly Apple is famous for its strictly enforcing accountability. Each project of their company has a directly responsible individual. So apple tries to maintain integration through some strict rules & regulation. As integration increases more, the type of competitive advantage also increases. Small processes add with larger process and it makes an integrated process.So every employee in the apple should understand the overall mission of the company as well s the quality process to develop a successful project. Suppose if Apple maintains continuous monitoring process for continuous improvement then it integration of employees can be achieved. Apple has its own business culture & environment. If the integrated approach integrates all the elements of TTS then Apple can achieve the continuous improvement process with an effort that exceeds the customer expectation. Strategic & systematic approach Strategic & systematic part of the TTS is one of the most critical parts of TTS.The main element of this process is to continuously improving the functionality of the many. Accepting quality control as the main element of any business can be the core success of any kind of business. So Apple must adopt systematic plan or approach to reach the ultimate goal of the corporation. After analyzing the overall working process of Apple, it can be said that it has a strong systematic plan to reach its goal. Moreover realizing, understanding, & managing the business objective can be effective for systematic approach.All this activities create an integrated process which contributes the effectiveness & efficiency of the company. Apple has following methods for strategic approach- Apple advances tactical development It Interrelates all the elements of business method of the company Fact-based decision making In an y organization, performance measurement plays an important role for having a clear idea about the current improvement of the company. For effective TTS a company must collect information & evaluate them perfectly to have a clear understanding of the performance measurement, making effective decision & forecast.But every decision must be develop according to the situation & statistical analysis. Any kind of emotional based decision should be evaded. In Apple monitoring & evaluation of performance is strictly maintained. Suppose if Apple wants apply fact based decision making process for continuous improvement then the corporation has to measure the performance effectively & efficiently in every phase of projects. Apple should maintain statistical control method Team focused on problem solving can be another solution for fact based decision making process.Continual improvement Continual improvement is the basic aspects of total quality management. A continuous improvement process help s to continuously thinking about creative & innovative ideas for any kind of projects which eventually help to grow more competitive advantage against other competitors. In Apple if the managers follow the step by step solution of any problem rather than focusing or making rebellion on any specific site, it would be better to continuously improve on that sector. And from top to bottom level all the employees should be motivated to gain the ultimate craving result.In summary Apple can follow the following rules for improvement- Apple can systematically measures the performance of any project It can develop active cooperation It can also accomplish cross functional process Communication Communication is one of the important parts often because it develops the motivational stimulus during the daily operational activities. In Apple after analyzing the working process we can say that the manager continuously involve employees in operational activities for better communication. It also gi ves them the feel of empowerment in the organization which is very helpful. It creates unity among the Apple's employees.And it is the leading criteria for the ultimate success of the organization. So it is true that a communication process in apple leads to better quality improvement of the company. Evaluation of Apple's TTS on the basis of philosophies TTS generally is done through different approaches by different companies. But few techniques have been stated by specialists which ensure success to some extent if applied carefully. Amongst those techniques the popular ones are- Six sigma procedure Deeming 14 principles Concept of continuous improvement Six Sigma procedure Six sigma is a measurement of quality in an organization which is near to perfection.Six sigma is a disciplined data driven process which eliminate any kind of errors or defects in an organization or any process, from manufacturing to transaction & to reduce and service. The I-J department of trade & industry sa ys- ‘Six sigma is a data driven method for achieving near perfect quality. Six sigma can focuses on any elements of product or services and has strong emphasis on statistical in design, manufacturing & customer oriented activities. ‘ None 2005) Both six sigma & total quality management have one common aspects and that is continuous improvement of the organization.While total quality management works for different departments in an organization, the six sigma has the capability of delivering even sharper result than the TTS. Six sigma DYNAMIC process elements D- define opportunity M- measure performance A- analysis opportunity l- improvement performance C- control performance Figure: Six sigma Six sigma in Apple Inc. Six sigma is mainly based on pre-planned project charter that mainly forms the basic scale of the project, financial budget of the project, benefits of the project etc. A company which follows the total quality management system may not be aware of the financ ial gains in the future.But company uses six sigma which based on MIMIC can be helpful for making measurement, identifying problems & providing exact solution at the right time. Apple is a corporation where it is very important to have continuous innovation of new products with hi-tech technology, upgrade features etc. In this situation it very challenging for them to continuously innovating new features products. Application of six sigma may helpful for Apple organization to measure what improvement they are making & what will be the consequences after marketing the product to the market.Six sigma basically give us a core road map for understanding the improvement process of an organization. Applying six sigma in Apple can have following benefits: 1. Leadership commitment: Six sigma plays an important role in deployment cycle. In Apple managers can apply Six Sigma for leadership commitment. Managers of Apple can arrange training program to leaders of the organization through the pr inciples and tools to develop their managerial infrastructure. The main advantage of this training program is that it will reduce the managerial hierarchy & procedural barriers of Apple Inc. 2.Customer focus : In six sigma organizational work process is developed in such a way that organization will have close communication with all the customers, suppliers, vendors, internal & external parties etc. After applying this theory Apple will be able to eliminate the scope of defects from the organization. 3. Strategic deployment: Six sigma mainly concentrate on the organizational principals like right people, right customers, project, tools, improvement tools etc. That are relate to bottom line principles. In Apple organization strategic deployment can be applied to achieve the bottom line success. 4.Integrated infrastructure: In this process the leadership team explains & reviews the overall process of the organization. So Apple may use this approach to remove barriers. The leaders of A pple Inc. 5. Disciplined framework: Six sigma follows the roadman of measure, analysis, improve & control. This disciplined framework helps to build up a clear communication way for the members of the organization. In Apple six sigma outlines can play a vital role for the development of communication process between internal & external elements. This disciplined element helps to build up continuous improvement in Apple Inc. 6.Education & training: Six sigma believes that true success can be attained by true understanding in the firm. So Six sigma uses its superiority & gears to transform the real problem to a real solution. In Apple, managers can try to maintain this superiority & gears to transform the practical problem into practical solution. Eight steps to build successful Six Sigma in Apple 1. Burning platform & shared vision First of all for applying six sigma Apple's needs to identify the burning platform like Apple is suffering from huge quality loses & it reasons 45% of the ir cost or Apple's competitors are gaining market share of every quarter by 12%.Without having these types of burning problem Apple won't be going for any six sigma solution. Finally, Apple's need to take act to achieve their vision; it safeguards that they gain credibility and strong provision from leadership. Leadership patrons safeguard will meet Apple's vision, thereby reaching superiority. 2. Resources The main core of this part is that do not hesitate to hire right resources for the right place or people. It is true that resources alone cannot bring success in Apple. It should deploy them as a team & this team will work as a change agent.It is also necessary that the team will carry out the resources and make a success by using them. Apple's need to take care of their resources both in terms of pays and also the source appropriate and obligation to applying the common vision. 3. Teach For six sigma the success can be achieved by teaching the employees. Apple needs to teach or give training the team for successful & powerful change agent. This can be achieved by assuring that the team is 100% trained & well performed their duties at the right time. 4.Arrange As Apple has gathered resources, well rained team then the next part is to make the people aware from the top level of the firm to the bottom level. For this Apple needs to learn what to manage and where to take threat, and the query here is how good Apple's service is in terms of risk modification and anticipation organization in terms of meeting the key anticipation of organization's objectives. 5. Ownership With ownership we can understand pride & power. Here Apple can make integrity by assuring team accountability, engagement & commitment.The key for success relies on these rules of accountability, engagement & commitment. 6. Measurement Creating a proper measurement system may ensure proper baseline. To achieve a targeted goal, Apple must have a measurement system. The key for measurement is to g et the cost for quality right. But having lots of measures on Apple's record may shift devotion away from the serious few. So they need to classify and amount the key important pointers instead of evaluating the many cover pointers. 7. Governance The key to success of any project can be attained by proper governance.Improper governance may lead to destruction of the project. So Apple can create a business quality council at the upper level of the group can level and clear all hurdles; this would generate interaction and also clear ways for following to timeliness. Proper governance would create best practices in the organization. . Recognition Reward or recognition plays an important role in the organization which creates energy in the team for their effort & also motivates them for further work. Proper recognition in Apple can create excellence in the performance & also create consistency.Deeming 14 principles The statistician Dry. W. Edwards Deeming stated the model of 14 principl es which basically explained the philosophies and development procedure through total quality management. These principles are certainly capable of maintaining the overall TTS of Apple. Constantly improving product and service: Apple should be planning considering the long term effects of any decision regarding quality management. It would be helpful to predict and prepare for the upcoming challenges in the long run which would have adverse effect on the business.On the other hand, the decisions should be focused on the intention of improving the products and services. Adopting new philosophies: The current philosophies should always be subject to change according to the business requirement. The customer need has to be emphasized mostly as well as the competitive pressure and Apple is aware of it. Avoiding inspection to achieve and ensure quality: Inspection is in fact done at Apple to maintain proper quality. As a result the additional price is paid by the customers at the consume r level. There is no intention to avoid the inspection program at present.But today or tomorrow a better option must be found by Apple to deduct the overall cost of production as the competition is getting more intense nowadays. Using single supplier for any one time: This is not the case always because Apple has contract with different producers to provide raw materials in case of some items. However, most of the materials are supplied from one supplier at a time. This is important to keep a decent and viable relationship with suppliers and encourage them to evaluate Apple based on the quality but not the price.The use of single supplier will ensure the trustworthiness of Apple. Improved planning, production and service constantly: This is one sector where there is no scope of complaining against Apple. The employees are constantly working to improve the development innovative products and please the customers with enhanced service factors. More and more employees are being engaged to cultivate strategic planning for quality control measurements. Training employees to achieve success: Tons of resources are being spent in Apple to train their workers.The promise of highly technical and consistent service urges for the need of trained employees. There are several programs that are in operation to proper train the workers and maintain not only the caliber of employees but also the overall company image. Implementation of leadership: The proper allocation of authority serves as the injection as the cure of many complexities regarding decision making. Apple has been successful to achieve this function to an extent. Driving out fear: Employees should always feel safe from any unexpected behavior from their superiors if any mistake is committed by them.Apple has been successful to create a friendly environment amongst the superiors and subordinates where mistakes are not a subject to direct action. Rather, immediate measures are taken but to solve the mistaken funct ions. Elimination of barriers amongst stuffs: Cross-functional teamwork is the major concern of this philosophy. Apple at large uses this method to best utilize the capability of their workers. It is known to the top management that spiritually pleased employee provides the best possible output for